2404 Western Ave, Ste. B, Las Vegas, NV 89102

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A close-up of purple, orange, and yellow roses set against a golden background.

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In the heart of LV Floral lies a commitment: To offer a bouquet of choices, both in flowers and in experiences.
We’ve traveled the world, handpicking the best and most unique varieties, ensuring that our clientele always has access to the unparalleled.

From the aromatic lanes of Europe to the exotic gardens of Asia, our promise is to bring the world’s floral wonders to your doorstep.

Whether you’re a floral artist, an event visionary, or simply someone with an eye for beauty, we’re here to serve, inspire, and collaborate.

Digitally Rooted,
Globally Connected

Our digital leap in 2023 was more than just a step forward; it was a leap towards the future. By embracing technology, we’ve opened a portal that connects our family with yours, sharing our floral treasures, stories, and expertise.

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